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Dream Cartography pt. 1

Dream Cartography pt. 1

Live/Online: Nov 30th, 2023; 5pm MDT/ 7pm Eastern

…Downloadable afterward!


The connection between our dreaming and astrology is deeper than we can imagine.  Both being eternally interesting, yet all the while elusive at the same time;  together they can create a cohesive cartography for understanding our psyche, and provide essential context for our path to healing and waking up.  Over the years I have learned many helpful techniques for studying our dreams with astrology, and now it's time to share it.  It's also one of the great life-hacks to learning astrology as well.  I hope you can join us in our dream incubator.  It will likely be a 4-part series.


What you will learn…

    • How to successfully track your dreams with astrology

    • Seeing how the Moon is a dreamcatcher and how we can use it to augment our understanding of a chart

    • We will study a few famous dreams to see how the transits and progressions were playing out within the context

  • Applied deeply to a few LIVE chart examples as well


*All levels welcome

Once purchased, you will receive a LINK to the Google Drive folder which contains a PDF with links to all the material: Call-in info and the video and audio recordings of the class (available after the live recording).



I hope you will learn something both new and old by watching…oOo


*Even if you missed it live, there will still be plenty of content to work with and learn from in the future. So if you are in the future, don’t fret about missing the class live. Hopefully, it will remain relevant.

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