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The Vimshottari Dasha Class

The Vimshottari Dasha Class

There are many Time Lord techniques.


From Annual Profections and Zodiacal Releasing in the Hellenistic tradition, to Firdaria and hundreds of others in the Vedic world, yet in my experience there is one that stands out like a magical sword in time and it’s called the Vimshottari Dasha cycle.  120 years in length, calculated from the Moon’s position at birth, I can safely say after using it every day for over a decade that it works every time with the way I have come to use it.  It clearly shows the Planet/or Planet’s active in any given period of our lives. 


And once you employ transits or your favorite progressed technique to them, you will quickly see the wyrd and extraordinary way they clearly reveal our karma. 


In this class I will show you exactly how I use this invaluable Dasha system and it’s my hope it will change your approach to Astrology forever…oOo

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